Jigsaw Reading Materials. This lesson demonstrates the use of a jigsaw reading instructional strategy to discuss a narrative text. As i mentioned above the jigsaw strategy is a unique cooperative learning approach.
This lesson serves as a springboard for discussi. It helps develop a depth of knowledge not possible if the students were to try and learn all of the material on their own. This sample has been designed for a class of nine english language learners.
This lesson provides a jigsaw of readings about some of the major interest groups the ama sierra club aarp etc there are 8 groups total with a reading for each group plus a graphic organizer for students to analyze the purpose of each group.
Sample jigsaw reading activity this activity can be used at any proficiency level as a cooperative learning activity during reading comprehension instruction. Newspaper or magazine websites are good sources to get articles from. Preferably articles with different sections and multiple headings in them work best for this type of activity. Use an article from the textbook or an article that you found online that your students would be interested in.