Healthy And Unhealthy Food Lesson Plan Grade 1. Tell students that today they will be discussing healthy and unhealthy foods. Foods and where.
Healthy and unhealthy food 11 south african food based dietary guidelines 12 the right amount of food 14 4. Show students various plastic healthy and unhealthy foods and invite them to come up one by one and identify if they think the food they selected is healthy or unhealthy. The first one has pictures and words the second version has only pictures healthy food.
The students will be able to identify healthy and unhealthy food.
Some of the worksheets for this concept are for teachers nutrition lesson activities work healthy and unhealthy foods siop lesson plan healthy and unhealthy behaviors healthy habits kids grade 1 2 epub health foods work lesson 1 food and health healthy and unhealthy fats go for the good unit healthy habits grade 1. Objectives students will be able to make decisions regarding healthy eating behaviors. I hope you enjoy using these materials with your students. K 1 a the importance of making healthy food choices vocabulary preparation content objectives.