Graphic Organizer Discovery Education Social Studies Techbook Answer Key. To balance power between the federal government and the states article vi included the supremacy clause which specifically says that the constitution and the federal government are the supreme law of the land if. Sixth grade social studies discovery education interactive investigations discovery education de partners with 201 schools districts in tennessee.
Mind maps are graphic representations of information that show both small units of information and their relationships in a visual way. Multiple choice quiz answer key. The tga wants to highlight some special features available of those online services provided.
Social studies techbook is a standards aligned core curricular resource that uses an inquiry based approach to enhance literacy and critical thinking skills allowing students to approach inquiry through the 5es.
Transforming social studies education for a digital era contents 2 executive summary 4 why social studies techbook stands out 8 key features 8 how the techbook works a digital textbook from discovery education teaches critical thinking skills through an inquiry based approach that uses interactive components high quality video and. Mind maps are graphic representations of information that show both small units of information and their relationships in a visual way. The tga wants to highlight some special features available of those online services provided. Numerous studies have shown that low self esteem in adolescents can negatively affect their performance in school their relationships with others and their self.