Circle Time Activities For Preschoolers With Autism. Quiet mouse still mouse when circle time is done keep children in a circle to release them to the next preschool activity. Put a fish bowl in the middle of the circle to cre ate a seaside mood.
The other child pets the kitty on the head while saying poor kitty without smiling. Pick one child to be the kitty and to wear the cat ears. When the child with autism is playing with a toy step in and ask for a turn.
Children stand in a circle and the teacher taps one on the shoulder.
Activities e g singing books reviewingcalendar circletime providesopportunitiesforchildren tolearntoattendtolargegroup instruction followdailyschedules androutines andparticipatein developmentallyappropriategroup activities e g singingand movement emergentliteracy. I also have a circle time basket that holds hard copies of activities that go along with that day and extra things in case the internet is not working that day. The teacher then taps another on the shoulder and the children change to the new action that student comes up with. While my paras are outside i put out the mats and pack bookbags with folders.