Biodiversity Act. Norms and standards for biodiversity management plans for species 2 march 2009. The biological diversity act 2002 act no.
18 of2003 5th february 2003 an act to provide for conservation of biological diversity sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources knowledge and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Norms and standards for biodiversity management plans for species 2 march 2009. The act main objective is to ensure the conservation of biological diversity sustainable use of its components and fair usage of its resources in order to prevent overuse or eventual destruction of biodiversity.
The biodiversity act provides for payment of a prescribed fee to the biodiversity management committees established at the municipal or panchayat level under access and benefit sharing by companies who are using biological resources or use traditionally available knowledge which is often a bone of contention between companies and these boards as they possess the power to grant them access to bio resources of the state.
The act provides for the management and conservation of south africa s biodiversity within the framework of the national environmental management act 1998. The protection of species and ecosystems that warrant protection. Centre for environmental rights advancing environmental rights in south africa. Bengali english gujarati hindi malayalam marathi oriya punjabi act rules tamil telugu national biodiversity authority an autonomous and statutory body of the ministry of environment forest and climate change government of india.